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I just Trying, Sorry :)

Hmm.. there is one different thing in my blog. From the tittle you maybe ask me, 'Trying? What am I trying" Well, its about using english. Now, you must be know what's the different thing here, yeah.. i am just trying to using english now. Why?? There are many reasons, and just like my habits i'll write point per point! :)

1. I want to Improving my English!
I was studying english since I was elementary school since Junior high school, it took 12 years, and I get a little ability because, I am not using that on my daily life. Besides my parents can't speak english, I also dont have friends who want to make conversation. Sometimes I chatted, but not improve too much, because I the conversation only about the same type. 

2. I want to share my mind to a whole the world
 Yeah, everybody have their own opinions, so do I. And, I want to share to around the world, and it will better if i can share to strange/foreign people. Asking about their culture, they family, they hope, they view about Islam also what they do to reach their dream, something like that.

3. I have a target to become fluently of using 4 Language
English is one of my target the another languange are : Sunda, Arabic and Spanyol.

4. I want to go overseas, take schoolarship or just take holiday
My dream place, and I hope i can live there for many months or years are in Mekah-Arab, and Canada :) Hope Allah allowed me, and I hope I can go with my husband and kids^^

5. I want to teaching english
To many student and also to my brothers and sister plus my future kids ^_~ insyaallah.

So, I hope you give ur forgiveness,
because of my mess english :p
and teach me how to be better ^^
and we can reach our dream together

best greet,

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