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Names for Daughter

I love to make name for kids, playing with creativity and imagination.. I'll try to make lovely, unique, meaningful name for children :D Feel fun!

For muslimah (daughter) :
I love using 'Malaeka' so here..
many of my dreams name for my daughters, or maybe yours
Insyaallah :) hope Allah give us that chances
 # Malaeka Jasmine (Angel, and flower)
 # Malaeka Vanya Al Vallika(a whale of gift from god, spread)
 # Malaeka Nafi'ah al Namiyah (useful and perfect)
 # Malaeka Aliya Al Adila (high, fair-wishdom-honest)
 # Malaeka Ghina Al Ghaida (Rich, Claudy)
 # Malaeka Dana Al Dzakiyah (Gift, Smart)
 # Malaeka Khansa Al Khalisha (patriotist in islam, and pure)
 # Malaeka Mughny Al Mahina (rich-kind, moon)


Prophet Shaleh Alaihisalam [5]

 Here we go.. Next prophet is Shaleh Alaihisalam, who was sent to Tsamud. Tsamud was one of Arabic community which was on Alhijir's land (on Prophet's Hud it was had been faced edge). This community got great land and riches nature. They had a lot of animals, beautiful garden and lovely houses. They became so happy and felt safe. But, they didnt know theirs God. They still worshiped to statue.

Allah sent Prophet Shaleh to them from theirs community, he was a very kind person, responsibility, modesty, and diligent. He told them about Allah, asked them to worhsipe Allah because Allah is the Only One who give them all of nikmat. The community was so shock, they was not problematically his personality and character, they was agree if Prophet Shaleh was a kind person, but they was totally ignoring him, because Shaleh did not followed their forefather. He told them stories about the other Prophet's and theirs community whom got torture. He said, that he wouldnt hope anything from them, he only did the duty from Allah.

A few of them, from the poor community, joined and believed of him ways. The others people said that he was crazy, losing his mind, and said confusing word. Prophets still asked them politely. And, more and more people interested with his dakwah, and become believer. Another people challenged him to show the evidence : miraculous.

Prophet Shaleh challenged them back, if he success they must believed him. They agreed. Prophet Shaleh prayed to Allah, hope for a female camel which was out from the stone. And Allah was granting that. Prophet Shaleh told to them to not be gratingly the camel. So, the camel ran the streets/gat about everywhere without any animals gratingly her. The owner from another animals and the unbelievers felt so angry decided to kill that camel. 

A rich widow said if anybody could kill the camel, she would let her self to be their's own and also the others beautiful princess. So, two men named Mushadda bin Muharrij and Gudar bin Salif with seven helper was hiding on the side of road which was the camel always walked through there. And, they killed her. The musyrikin was so happy, they said to Prophet Sholeh for the threat of punishment, if only he was true. And shortly, the punishment was came. But before it came, the signs was coming. The first day, they face become yellow, and then changed to red. On second day became black. On third and fourth day the punishment was coming.

But before that the nine murdered of camel, had meeting to kill the Prophet. In the night they went to Prophet's place, but suddenly many big stone was fallen and press them till they died. One day before the punishment, with Allah's permission, Prophet and the believer went to Ramlah, a place on Palestin. The Tsamud had been gone by the thunderbolt and the earthquake. 

What we can learn from this story..?
- The mistakes or sins from a few people can make damage or negative things to another
- Amar ma'ruf nahi mungkar is our responsibility
- Become perfunctory for maksiat and negative things can be agreement of that, so be careful!

Wallahualam Bishowab

Puas dengan DUNIA..?!

PictureCare 3 : Puas dengan DUNIA..?!

Puas-kah kita?
dengan yang semu dan sia..?


Yang Muda, Yang Jamaah!

PictureCare 1 : Yang Muda, Yang Jamaah!

Wahai lelaki,
calon ayah bagi anaknya
suami bagi istrinya
teladan bagi keluarga dan sekitarnya

ingatlah engkau adalah pemimpin,
engkau-lah yang kuat fisik dan akalnya,
yang tangguh dan tak gampang cengeng

semua kesuksesan itu tidak datang TIBA-TIBA,
mumpung engkau masih MUDA
selayaknya engkau memulai dengan :
shalat berjamaan di masjid.
sebab itu wajib untukmu,
duhai lelaki.



PictureCare 2 : Stop Merokok!

Kok Kok Kok
Kok kamu MEROKOK?
Supaya hilang stress, terinspirasi, atau jadi mencoLOK!
Please jangan jadikan itu sebagai KEDOK!
Itu cuma bikin kamu makin BOBROK!
baik kesehatan, lifestlye, keuangan, bikin kamu ngegantung and MABOK!
Aku jadi pingin, NABOK!
Anak kecil atau muda-mudi yang sok NGEROKOK!
Biar mereka pada KAPOK!
Banyak korban gak bersalah yang dibikin K.O!

Mulai sekarang.. STOP ROKOK!
dan jangan pernah memulainya!

Personally, saya tidak suka perokok! Sebeel banget!
Apalagi kalau naik bis atau ngangkot dan ada yang ngerokok~
Apalagi pernah baca ada anak yang kena kanker paru-paru,
disebabkan ROKOK yang dihisap AYAHNYA!

Status : Valentine : Sejarah dan Dalil

dear my lovely sisters and brother in islam,

sebagaimana kita ketahui 2 hari lagi,
DUNIA akan heboh dengan 'VALENTINE DAY'
hari yang begitu lekat dengan kehidupan muda-mudi,
hari yang konon jadi momen mencurahkan kasih sayang,
pada 'pasangannya' dengan hadiah coklat, permen, mawar, dsb.
bagaimana posisi hari ini dalam ISLAM..?

dengarlah, kawanku sendiri yg non-muslim mengatakan :
sesungguhnya tidak ada perayaan itu pada agama mereka.
lantas, mengapa kita LATAH merayakannya??
padahal jelas, ASAL MUASALNYA-pun jauuuuuh banget dari nuansa I.S.L.A.M.

Ada beberapa VERSI SEJARAH-nya ~
PERTAMA, Ini salah satu hari besar bangsa ROMAWI PAGANIS
(Penyembah berhala) sejak 17 ABAD SILAM,
sebagai ungkapan kecintaan terhadap SESEMBAHAN mereka.

Akar-nya lagi mengatakan, bangsa romawi menyakini
sehingga mereka memperingati ini setiap pertengahan FEBRUARI.
Mereka menyembelih ANJING dan KAMBING BETINA dan darahnya dilumuri kepada 2 orang pemuda, lalu mereka mencuci darah itu dengan SUSU, dan diarak dengan pawai besar.

Versi lain yg berhubungan dengan ST.VALENTINE,

St.Valentine itu adalah seorang yg mati di ROMA,
disiksa KAISAR CLAUDIUS sekitar tahun 296 M.
Tempat terbunuhnya dibangun GEREJA pada 350 M.
Nah, mereka memperingati sebagai HARI KASIH SAYANG.
Mereka hanya mengubahnya dari makna kecintaan kpd SESEMBAHAN kepada pemahaman lain.

Nah, ada ritual mereka yang dekat dengan PACARAN (kalau istilahnya sekarang ini)
Mereka menulis nama-nama pemudi usia nikah pada selembar kertas kecil, lalu diundang para pemuda yang ingin menikah.
Pemuda mengambil kertas itu dan menemani si wanita yang tertulis di kertas yang ia ambil. Selama 1 TAHUN, mereka menguji perilaku masing-masing, bila COCOK maka LANJUT, bila tidak maka mengulang lagi mengambil kertas itu.

Di ITALIA perayaan ini sempat dilarang pada masa itu.

Bangsa ROMAWI di masa PAGANIS, merayakan HARU LUPERCALIA,
hari yang sama dengan versi pertama tadi.
Mereka mempersembahkan qurban pada SELAIN ALLAH.

Pada masa itu KAISAR CLAUDIUS II melarang tentaranya menikah,
dan ST.VALENTINE menentang ini, dia diam-diam menikahkan tentaranya.
Lalu kaisar memenjarakannya dan MENGHUKUM MATI.

Kaisar II adalah penyembah berhala,
Valentine adalah penyeru agama NASRANI,
Sang kaisar berusaha mengembalikan mereka pada agama PAGANIS, namun VALENTINE teguh dan dibunuh pada 14 Februari 270 M, malam hari raya Lupercalia.

Ya, Allah.. sungguh disini tidak ada sedikitpun BAU ISLAM!
Perayaan ini begitu khas dengan :
- Kegembiraan dan kesenangan
- saling memberi MAWAR, mengungkap CINTA (yang ternyata AWALNYA untuk SESEMBAHAN mereka)
- Saling menyebar KARTU SELAMAT dengan gambar cupid (Cupid adalah dewa cinta erotis dalam mitologi Romawi)
- Di banyak negara mereka merayakannya di siang hari hingga malam, dengan begadang, berdansa, party, bercampur baur lelaki dan perempuan. Dan di negara kita, banyak yang menjadikannya MOMENTUM PERZINAHAN!

APA DALIL yang meng-HALAL-kannya?
adanya malah DALIL yang meng-HARAM-kannya!

♥ "Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang mempersekutukan (sesuatu dengan) Allah, maka pasti Allah MENGHARAMKAN ATAS SURGA, dan tempatnya ialah neraka, tidaklah ada bagi orang-orang zhalim itu seorang penolongpun" [Al-Mai'dah:72]
.: ingat sejarah tadi, perayaan pada SESEMBAHAN mereka!

♥ Hari raya untuk MUSLIM seharusnya yg mendekatkan diri kepada ALLAH bukan kepada MAKSIAT, coba timbang-timbang deh banyakan mana antara MANFAAT dan MUDHARAT jika MUSLIM berValentine..?!

♥ "Dan janganlah kalian menyerupai orang-orang yg bercerai berai dan berselisih sesudah datang keterangan yang jelas kepada mereka.." [Ali Imran : 105] dan "Barangsiapa yang menyerupai suatu kaum, maka ia termasuk golongan mereka" [Hr.Ahmad III/50 dan Abu Dawud no.5021]

♥ Perayaan ini kini adalah menebarkan CINTA yang palsu sebab diluar PERNIKAHAN, lifestyle BEBAS yang mendekatkan pada perzinahan. Padahal sungguh menyentuh kulit yang bukan mahrom saja tidak lebih baik dibanding ditusuk jarum PANAS!

Subhanallah, Maha Tinggi Allah dari kedustaan dan kesyirikan mereka dengan ketinggian yang besar~

there is NO V-DAY in ISLAM

my dear.. maka jika kita merayakannya,
tidak ada bedanya itu sebagai 'FALLEN TIME'
(baik itu diartikan jatuh, runtuh, atau berkurang)

dear brother and sister in ISLAM,
saling menasehati adalah kewajiban kita,
sebab sebagaimana kita hidup dengan segala bentuk rejeki,
the day of judgment juga pastilah ada :)

7 Habits Of Highly Effective Teens

I readed this book when I was on my last semester on my lovely High Senior School, and i guess it was totally late! One of my senior recommended these book to me, and happily i read it! And, that was one of my fav books! Sean is really fun, and the book is very easy to read. Very teen! :) Sometimes i read it again, just for recall.

Here the little result from this book :
Dont be 'Not Effective', if you do all this you wont be effective:
- Blame your external, believe that you are the victim!
- Not have the vision so make you unfocus
- Forget your priority, make your self confuse!
- You must win! Yeah, anywhere! Whatever!
- Speak and always dominant, dont listening the others
- Just have a few friends and dont join on teamwork!
- Just do do do do do, until you died. Dont have sinergy!

And you know, if you follow thats all you will FAIL! :)

I HIGHLY recommendation this book for you
*I am also still learning :)

Prophet Hud Alaihisalam [4]

Back to me dear reader, today i want to share about Prophet Huud alaihisalam. He was one of 'father' from jazirah Arab, the place named "Al-Ahqaf", north of Hadramaut atr Yaman and Umman. This umat / caste was famous for their strength, because their body was so big and tall. Allah also gave them the fertile land and also the spa (stock of water), so they could growing up the plants and gave the food for their animals/livestock. And, they also had park or ground which planted by beautiful flower. They was living prosperity, and became a biggest caste on their era. But, sadly they didnt know Allah, the Creator. They choosed to make statue to be their God. They believed their's statue gave them happiness and profit.

Because, the wrong aqidah, made their lifestyle governable by the devil / satan. There was no akhlak, they loved to make disturbing things, they raped women, they preied from the poor. They was so arrogant, magniloquent, envy, and haters. They followed their desire, without love, honest, and modesty.

Allah sent Prophet Nuh alaihisalam to them from them caste. He was born from highly regarded family. Since he was child, he known as a good boy and very wise. Prophet Hud began his dakwah by asked them to saw the nature which made - must be- by Allah subhanahu wata'ala. The statue has no power, they are useless. But, because of they was so arrogant, and they was never heard about that before, they ignored. They was also insulting him and asked him to follow their ancestor. But, surely Prophet Hud ignored, he said that Allah was a creator, he made them and him, he mad the earth and live. The ancestor was wrong, and this was the truth. (shortly, nearly like this). And they told to Prophet Hud, that he were only a lier, he were not the Prophet, he had no plus from them and he were crazy. They believed, Hud would get damnation by their god.

Allah punished them by two things; First, there was dryness which made their land and ground became unfertilized. So, they was become afraid if they wouldnt get food just like usual. On that situation, Prophet Hud still tried to advising them, told that Allah punished them, and asked them to repent and forswear, but they was impenitent.

Their challenged got the answer with the second punishment. Allah sent the dark cloud, which welcomed by their happiness, but in fact that was not the rain cloud for their ground but that was a big hurricane which broken all the houses. The Aad became panic, they was running all over the way, forgot their own family, ran everywhere  liked a crazy. That was happened for seven night, and the place became flat and so silent.

Prophet Nuh and the believer get blessed by Allah, after the hurricane they left that place, hijrah to Hadramaut until Prophet Nuh died there. 

Insyaallah, we can learn many lesson from this story :

Keep sabar, open hearth, although you find the most arrogant people. Dont answer the insult by insult, but still control your emotion don loss your mind. Remember: Allah! Just advising them by lovely words. On your dialogue keep make your niat : Lillahita'ala. Try them to think rational, using your 'healthy mind' with the acceptable evidence's.Insyaallah, hopefuly, Allah give our self, family and friends the hidayah.


Nilai Wanita

"Kalau wanita berakhlak baik dan berpikir positif, ia adalah angka 1.
Kalau ia juga cantik, tambahkan 0, jadi 10.
Kalau ia juga punya harta, imbuhkan lagi 0, jadi 100.
Kalau ia cerdas, imbuhkan lagi 0, jadi 1000.
Jika seorang wanita memiliki semuanya,
tapi tidak memiliki yg pertama, ia hanya '000'.

T.i.d.a.k b.e.r.n.i.l.a.i sama sekali."

~Wallahualam bishowab dari : Al Khawarizmi, penemu angka nol~

Semoga kita bagian dari wanita yang mampu memiliki angka "1" itu,
beserta agama yang benar dan kuat.
menjadi kokoh dan tanggUH.
tak mudah mengelUH.
senantiasa kuAT.
menyelesaikan masalah yg berAT.

~*aisyah asyafiyah*~

Pilihan, Keputusan dan Konsekuensi

Baiklah, lagi-lagi saya posting dengan bahasa indonesia, not mind kan? ^_^ Saya akan sedikit sharing pemikiran saya terkait pilihan dan konsekuensi secara simpel aja, karena saya memang hanya bisa-nya ini hehe.

Hidup akan selalu ada yang namanya pilihan, keputusan dan hasil yang diakibatkan. Pilihan itu ada yang punya BANYAK ada juga yang SEDIKIT, ini namanya rezeki :) Keputusan itu erat hubungannya dengan ikhtiar kita ; dari mulai pengetahuan, doa, naluri/feeling, atau konsultasi. (Walau keputusan juga bisa dipengaruhi oleh tuntutan, ancaman, keadaan) yang juga diolah dengan pertimbangan akibat yang dapat ditimbulkan (effect, result - visioner) Dan, semua ini memang pasti akan membuahkan konsekuensi yang kadang riil-bisa diterka dan kadang absurb sebab kita memang bukan pemegang takdir kan?

Well, kemana ya arah pembicaraan saya? Sebenarnya bisa banyak, tapi kita lihat nanti. Yang pasti satu yang ingin saya kaitkan adalah mengenai pernikahan yang sudah pasti melewati tiga point itu.

Sebelumnya... bayangkan pasangan seperti apa dan bagaimana karakternya, yang duduk menemanimu di bangku ini?

dan kalian membicarakan arti dan gambaran pernikahan, jelaskan! :)

Nah.. langsung deh ya...
Point pertama, adalah MEMILIH, dalam memilih, wajib mengutamakan AGAMA-nya. You know why, kan ya? Nah disini kamu bebas memilih mau agama yang baiknya segimana (toh yang mau nikah kamu dan konsekuensinya kamu yang nanggung)

Apakah kamu akan memilih ia yang.... (ku bikin point aja ya)
a. Tahu dan lumayan paham tapi prakteknya masih 'agak-agak'
b. Tidak terlalu paham dan malas cari tahu
c. Tahu bahkan sudah khatam sekian puluh kitab dan mengamalkannya,
d. Belajar sambil mengamalkan walau sedikit-sedikit

It's all back to you, yang jelas sebaiknya yang KUAT dalam beragama, sebab konsekuensi yang dihasilkanpun dapat berbeda. Mungkin sedikit konsekuensinya ini :
a. Konsekuensinya kamu harus punya power KUAT dlm membimbingnya baik ilmu dan kesabaran, sebab ia rawan fitnah. Tapi kalau kamu serupa, kamu harus lebih Ekstra!
b. Wah, dia calon ibu anak-anakmu loh jadi sama kayak point ke A tapi lebih extra lagi sebab fitnahnya pun luar biasa! Kecuali kalau kamu gak paham sama sprt tipe b; cocok lah~
c. Eits, kalau kamu adalah calon suami, sekalipun ilmu kamu lebih rendah, dia harus bisa rendah hati loh, semoga tipe ini juga bukan tipe yang sombong :)
d. Konsekuensinya kamu bisa belajar bersama, tapi harus ada 'pegangan pembina/guru' yang bisa membimbing kalian berdua untuk lebih maju!

Overall, doakan semoga istiqomah pada kebaikan supaya hasilnya tidak diluar dugaan!

Nah, dalam memilih pun ada lagi pilihan lainnya
a. satu suku
b. tidak satu suku dan diizinkan
c. tidak satu suku dan tidak diizinkan
Tidak dipungkiri kalau SATU SUKU akan lebih banyak kesamaan sehingga tidak terlalu banyak gesekan konflik yang berhubungan dengan budaya dan maybe karakteristik. Dan jika point B kamu pilih berarti kamu siap BERADAPTASI dan MENGHARGAI pasanganmu kan? Bersifat lebih legowo/menerima jika memang ada beda. Dan kalau poin C, ini cukup beresiko jika orangtua atau saudara tidak mengizinkan, sebab bisa menimbulkan konflik keluarga besar jika mereka tetap tidak berkenan setelah pernikahan terjadi.

Lanjuut... Jika kamu calon suami, memilih yang ada dalam keadaan apa? (sebab perempuan notabene memilih yang cukup mapan sampai mapan, sebab ia biasanya memikirkan sampai pada pendidikan anak-anak, masa depan mereka)
a. berasal dari keluarga kaya / dia kaya
b. berasal dari keluarga sederhana / dia sederhana
c. berasal dari keluarga miskin / dia miskin
Konsekuensi dari sini maybe bisa dihubungkan dengan dua hal : keterpenuhan finansial (kesejahteraan) dan harga diri suami. Kalau memilih A dan kamu memang dari golongan itu juga, tidak ada masalah berarti apalagi kalau punya cara menghabiskan uang  yang sama :) tapi akan jadi masalah kalau kamu jauh dari kaya dan dia punya lifestyle yang highclass, maka siap-siap untuk bekerja extra ya! dan ingat jangan korupsi! Kalau kamu di posisi B dan memilih B, insyaallah seharusnya aman-aman saja, tapi kalau kamu lebih kaya dan dia B, insyaallah juga masih aman, tapi kalau dia B dan kamu C.. semoga saat memilih kamu juga mempertimbangkan sikap 'rendah hati' dan keinginan 'berjuang'-nya yah! Jika dia C dan kamu A dan B, insyaallah dia adalah perempuan beruntung hehe, dan jika sama-sama C, semoga kalian bisa meraih target hidup yang sama! Hoho~

a. berpendidikan tinggi dan study oriented
b. berpendidikan tinggi dan aktivis/kerja
c. tidak berpendidikan tinggi
d. tidak berpendidikan tinggi dan bekerja
e. berpendidikan tinggi dan rumahan
well, yang ini akan sangat subjektif sekali ya... kira-kira deh menurut hasil baca-baca dan observasi~ Kalau memilih A atau B kemungkinan masa-masa awal pernikahan ia akan kurang dalam keterampilan rumah tangga, sebab banyak waktunya yang tersita untuk belajar atau organisasi. Tapi kelebihan disini adalah, kamu bisa punya pasangan yang profesional (A) dalam bidangnya, atau pasangan yang bersedia terjun ke ranah sosial (B) jika ini sesuai dengan tipe-mu, maka akan aman. Jika "C" dan kamu berpendidikan tinggi, kamu harus bersabar jika ada masa dimana kamu 'tak sengaja' merendahkan dia atas pengetahuan yang ia miliki, sebab tidak melanjutkan kuliah bisa jadi faktor keadaan bukan pilihan, dan dia yang "C" semoga bisa lebih penurut pada suaminya. Kalau yang "D" maka ia akan menjadi mandiri, dan bisa jadi juga tidak trampil mengurus rumah atau malah sangat trampil namun bisa jadi merasa bosan karena 'biasanya ia bekerja' kini mengurus rumah, tapi bisa juga malah senang. Nah, disini harus 'di tes' dulu arahan pernikahan menurut dia itu bagaimana, 'di tes' posisi istri menurut dia, jika sama sepertimu ya sudah :) kalau point "E" ia bisa jadi memiliki pengetahuan yang baik dan ketrampilan yang baik, sebab hidupnya hanya sebatas itu. Kemungkinan besar, jika ia di rumah logikanya mengurus rumah.

Gimana? Ada sedikit pencerahan? Sorry, jika ada yang tidak berkenan. Sebab ini hanya 'logika-logika'-an :) Mempertimbangkan pilihan yang ada pada 'umumnya'

Bersambung dulu deh yaa...
Ingat untuk memilih yang sesuai dengan tujuan pernikahanmu ya :)
foto diambil dari sini

Hello Brother - 2005

Hello reader xD I want to introduce a funny kid with cute smile *look at the poster :) His name is Park Ji-Bin, born 14 March 1995. This movie was realized on 2005, so.. his age must be 10 :) He played as a Jang Han Bi, the little brother of a brother who had brain cancer. The story is really really lovely. And also touching. We can see the relationship of brothers, family and also friends. Whenever it was Jang Han Bi's friends at schools or in the hospital. ^^ We really can see, the point of view from children, becaus Jang Han Bi is really-really show just like a children who 'egoist', 'love play', and also 'innocence'.

when you watch this, prepare your tissue,
and ready not only for cry but also for smile/laugh


Harmony - Movie

^_^ yeah, now lets click your remote, time for movie review. Well, when you see the picture and read the title, i am sure you know exactly the theme of this movie : yeah.. choir! Women's choir. But this is not ordinary choir, because all of the members are the prisoner. Interesting, rite? xD I really glad to found this movie -i got it from baby sister : one- because the movie is far from disappointed! Can you imagine the situation on the women prison. Whom each member must be did something bad or broken the rules such as the main character Hong Jeong-hye, she killed her abusive husband, and need to serve on prison for 10 years. Do you see a little baby on the poster? He is her son, she was pregnant when she got arrest. And she gave birth on the prison. Well, she needed to share 'her' small rooms with three another prisoners. The oldest prisoner she called 'mom' was arrested because she killed her husband and his affair -which is also her friends who teached her how to plays piano- by car. And, sadly almost 25-30 years (i dont know exactly) there is no family, even it's her childrens, want to meet her. Her children are so angry with her. Another one, arrested because she borrow money to the profiteer. The other (fat woman) arrested because she against her boss, because he did 'a snow job'. And, the youngest girl with short cut hair, was a 'newest' member, she arrested because she against her step father who want to rape her -and he died- and sadly, her mother not trust her and report her. At first, she ignored everybody. But... she join the choir which is made by Hong Jeung-hye.

I really recommended this movie, because there will be a story about her little baby, the oldest prison, and the procces to make the choir. Ah.. how could i forget, there's also two police women who are very different.

This is also -little- twist ending.

^^ this give us advices that..
it's often people do something bad because another people do bad things first,
but there is no excuse to allow that, sabar is the key, and tobat is one of solution
that can make you feel peace, Insyaallah.

appreciate women, make prisoner for women becomes proper and suitable.


Pertanyaan Realistik

Well, rasanya sudah lama sekali saya tidak memakai bahasa Indonesia ya.. ^_~ and i am little miss it, so.. postingan hari ini i'll mix english and indonesia.

Sebenarnya saya agak bingung ingin memposting apa, tapi sebab musabab waktu terus berlalu dan saya punya target memposting 40 post selama liburan jadi yah saya harus mengejarnya soalnya target saya kan nggak hanya ini. Well, memangnya kenapa harus posting banyak-banyak? Sebab bab bab... setelah liburan akan ada kuliah yang bisa jadi membuat saya malas memposting sesuatu yang saya pikir bermanfaat untuk disharingkan. Coz, i wanna be a meaningful person :) bukankah Allah telah mendesain kita dengan keunikan? Nah, keunikan itu yang coba saya tuang disini beserta dengan kebaikan yang harapannya dapat senantiasa syar'i tentu saja! #ups, sorry for looong opening hehe go to main menu!

Nah, judulnya 'Pertanyaan Realistik' kira-kira ada yang menerka mau dibawa kemana arah pembicaraan kita? ^_^ Jawabannya : pada tema keluarga atau pernikahan. Postingan ini terinspirasi dari acara dan pembicara kesukaanku Ayah Edy, Smart FM, Indonesia Strong From Home. (wlo pas liburan ini gak dengerin sebab headsetnya tertinggal :p)

Nah, ada pertanyaan yang masuk ke ayah edy yang kurang lebih bertanya 'Mengapa banyak usia pernikahan yang gugur ketika mencapai usia sekitar 4 tahun?' Dan ayah menjawab, kurang lebih karena dulu yang dibicarakan atau yang ditunjukkan itu yang indah-indah saja, sehingga tidak ditemukan kesamaan pandangan ketika mendapatkan 'badai' rumah tangga. Ditambah dengan tidak adanya pertanyaan realistik sebelum pernikahan! Begitu kata ayah :)

Nah, apakah pertanyaan realistik itu? Buatku, Ini mirip studi kasus sih, kalau kasus A/B/C/D menimpa kehidupan rumah tangga 'kalian', apa yang kamu pilih..? Kasusnya nggak melulu harus besar, yang simpel-simpel pun butuh.

So, disini aku akan sedikit sharing kira-kira pertanyaan apa sajakah itu... :)

1. Ketika mertua menawari kalian untuk tinggal di rumahnya, mau/tidak?
2. Bila rumahnya itu di tempat yang kamu nggak suka (ex : kumuh/terpencil/padat), gmn?
3. Selama di rumah, mertua kesannya kok nge-belain anaknya terus ya? Sikap kamu?
4. Ada saudara dari pasangan kamu yang sikapnya tuh nggak bijaksana / nggak kamu suka, terus kamu gimana pindah atau tetap?
5. Kalau kamu memutuskan pindah, tapi pasangan kamu bilang nggak ada anggaran untuk ngontrak, apa tindakan kamu?

6. Usia pernikahan ke-3 istri merasa jenuh di rumah, dan ingin punya kegiatan, tindakanmu (suami) gimana?
7. Dan semisal suami tidak mengizinkan untuk menekuni kegemaran kamu, sikap kamu (istri) gimana?
8. Dalam pembagian tugas rumah tangga, suami merasa sepenuhnya tanggung jawab istri, sikap kamu gimana? setuju/tidak?
9. Jika di tengah pernikahan, istri/suami merasa lebih dibebani dengan beres-beres rumah dan merasa lelah/tidak adil, bagaimana sikapmu?
10. Suami dan istri bekerja, rumah terbengkalai, bagaimana solusinya?

11. Jika istri mengalami periode haid yang lama, sedangkan kita tahu, manusia memiliki kebutuhan biologis bagaimana kamu menyikapinya?
12. Istri/suami meminta untuk menunda kehamilan, ketika usia pernikahan sudah 3 tahun, apa sikapmu?
13. Kamu sudah ingin punya anak, tapi usia 3 tahun belum ada tanda-tanda kehamilan, bagaimana ya?
14. Ternyata, pasanganmu punya kebiasaan buruk (ex : ngupil/kentut/mandi sehari sekali/tidurnya lamaa banget/suka nonton gosip dan ngegosip/makannya banyak/males bantu nyuci piring atau nyapu lantai) naaah.. bagaimana sikap kamu dan solusinya? :)
15. Pasanganmu kadang berbalas sms dengan teman yang bukan mahromnya, apa tindakanmu? 

16. Gaji suami pas-pas-an hanya sekitar satu juta, sedangkan istri berasal dari keluarga menengah atas yang terbiasa makan atau belanja yang lumayan, bagaimana istri dan suami mengatasinya?
17. Istri menangis tidak betah tinggal di lingkungan ini, sedangkan kalau pindah kontrakan lain, harganya sedikit lebih mahal, bagaimana tindakanmu -istri/suami-..?
18. Krisis melanda, suamimu kena PHK, apa yang kamu lakukan?
19. Ada peluang bisnis, butuh modal sekitar 100 juta nih, uang kumpul-kumpul ada 30 juta, gaji tetap juga ada... Pasanganmu menawarkan pinjam di bank, keputusanmu bagaimana?
20. Suatu hari... pasanganmu tiba-tiba menyatakan punya hutang sekian juta, dan memintamu untuk membantu melunasinya, solusinya?

Huah.. 20 Pertanyaan dulu deh yaaa xD soalnya pegel juga nulisnya, dan idenya baru ini. Hmm.. ini sih baru sedikiiit yah dibandingkan warna-warni yang akan muncul nanti ^^ apalagi ini masa pernikahan awal yang (sengaja) belum include masalah anak hihi ^^

Insyaallah semoga bisa disambung lagi nanti dengan Pertanyaan Realistik Sebelum Menikah part II ^^


Prophet Nuh Alaihisalam [3]

Here we come for the next Prophet : Nuh alaihisalam, he was a 9th generation from Prophet Adam alaihisalam, his father named Lamik bin Metusyalih bin Idris.

"Indeed he is a servant (of Allah) who most grateful." (Surah al-Isra ': 3)

On his era, the peoples came back to jahiliyah, their become syirik, not doing kindness, pray to the statue which was they made by self. They ignored him. They believed their statue can saved them, can gave them everything. They also gave the statue's named, such as : 'Wadd' and 'Suwa', sometimes they called "Yaguts' and if they was boring they changed the name with 'Yatuq' and 'Nasr'. The named comes from five religious persons before Prophets Nuh who already died. And then the statue abused by the next generation from them.

Prophet Nuh asked them to looking the nature and universe, that must be made by Allah, the only one. That's the real and right evidence. And he also told them about the punishment; heaven and the hells. If they did something wrong or meaningless, they would get bad punsihment. But, most of all ignored him.

Whereas, Prophet Nuh was blessed by Allah, he had charming traits and style just like another Prophet. He was brought to heel, cleaver and an explicit person. He also so wish and patient, he asked them with soft words, so modesty! But sometimes, he also can be so blustery if he met the leader of ummat whom so egoist and didnt want to listening him although the dakwah was so deep, cleared and shining their soul.

But, sadly he only got a few people because the rich's peoples and the leader ignored him. One of their way was saying that he was ordinary person. He was so respectful, modesty and sabar. He still dakwah almost 950 years, Masyaallah (T,T) -How about us? How many years we give for dakwah?- but, the mukmin -his ummat- not increased.

Until... the day came, when Allah revealed to Nuh that free people of faith of his kind wouldnt increase anymore. Allah revealed to him that he was not sorry for their actions. So at that time, Nuhh prayed that the disbelievers got destroyed. 

He said:
"My Lord, do not you let anyone among the pagans that live on the earth." (Surah Nuh: 26)

Nuh justify his prayer with the excuse:
"Surely if you let them live, they shall deceive Your servants, and they will not give birth than children who commit adultery and infidels." (Surah Nuh: 27)

Allah says in Surah Hud:
"And revealed to Nuh, that never among thy people will believe except those who have faith, so dont get deep sorrow that ye careful about what they were doing. And make the ark with the supervision and guidance of our revelation, and do not talk to me about the people of iniquity. Surely they will be drown. (Surah Hud: 36-37)

Then Allah establish His law upon infidels, the arrival of a hurricane. Allah told Nuh, that Allah will make this boat with "our eyes and our revelation," ie, with knowledge of Allah and His teaching, and in accordance with his direction and assistance of the angels.

Allah establish His command to Noah:

"And do not talk to me about the people of iniquity. Surely they would be drowned. (Surah Hud: 37)

So, the hurricane really happened. Only a few of people want to get on the boat, but his sons and wife drowned because they wasnt in faith.

'O Noah, descend safely and full of blessings upon you and upon Our peoples (the believers) of the people with you.' "(Surah Hud: 48)

So, from this story we can get many advices such as :
- The faith can't get by the blood, its depend on Allah's bless, hopefully we and our children will be bless
- Keep sabar, dakwah is hard and it's need a long long time, do it since you grew till you died with whole of heart:') aamiinallahumaamiin~
- Ukhuwah is the lovely things, in the name of Allah, one Aqidah~


The Traits of People Which is Alim...!? ♔

How do I know (as a personal opinion and or visible) that person is and hopefully t.a.q.w.a. a.l.i. m ...!?

♥ Whether from diligently and on time to sholat ...!?
♥ Whether he frequently prayers in the mosques ...!?
♥ Do reading Qur'aan properly ...!?
♥ Whether he also worked on the worship of the sunnah ...!?
♥ Do follow the rule and watch his behavior ...!?
♥ What's said and modesty Word ...!?
♥ Do from his wisdom that be a solution ...!?
♥ Do from his intelligence into science fields. ..!?
♥ Do from his face fun ...!?
♥ Whether from clothing and cleanliness of her. ..!?
♥ Good oversight and a variety of other ... 
♔ Subhanallah ... God willing, together with all the characteristics that he was approaching the figure of a.l.i. m and may t.a.q.w.a., but it's still not enough ...!?

As for the most important subject that is increasingly strengthening our assessment is I.S.T.I.Q.A.M.A.H ♔
♔ such person in doing all things good and right that has been syari'atkan by Islam, along with fondness--patience--and ease. Allaah wa ta'ala ' Al-alam ...

Allaah said, "Verily, those who say:" our Lord is Allah ", then they remain i.s.t.i.q.a.m.a.h., then no worries against them and they have no grief (even). That's their occupants-the host, they remain in it; in return for what they have done. " (Qs. al-Ahqaaf {46}: 13-14).
✔ The priest of all mankind in the world and the hereafter; Muhammad sallallaahu ' alaihi wa sallam said;

عَنْ عَائِشَةَ رَضِيَ اللهُ عَنْهَا قَالَتْ سُئِلَ النَّبِيُّ صلم أَيُّ: الأَعْمَالِ أَحَبُّ إِلىَ اللهِ قَالَ أَدْوَمُهَا وَإِنْ قَلَّ وَقَالَ اكْلَفُوْا مِنَ الأَعْمَالِ مَا تُطِيْقُوْنَ. (رواه البخارى)
mafhumnya; "From Aisha-Zubair said, once asked the Prophet; 'Where are the most beloved charity of God? " He ' alaihi wa sallam said; "Charity is done continuously in spite of a slight". He said again; "And do charity-the charity that, just you guys could do it." (Narrated By Imam Al-Bukhaari).
✔ Subhanallah, Allahumma sholli ' ala Muhammad wa alaaa wa baarik salim ' alaihi ...

L ♥ ve and respect ✔ Success is Shari'ah of Islam, not the other!
Maia Bianca
from : fb buya dive 

Finally, I readed Harry Potter xD

Happily, i finised first and second books of Harry Potter 'ENGLISH EDITION' huahahaha~ I really amazed to my self because this is my first books with english language that i read and until finish!

But, because of i already watched the movie of this film, so i cant really imagine the story, and unconsciously i compared it with the movie. Many of story is different with the movie, some part becomes clear but -still- i cant really imagine that.

No matter what, my goals on this holiday is reading Harry Potter's book, 1 till 7 english version! ^_~ so, hopefully i can start again for my 3rd book!

hopefully i can increasing my enlish ability by reading :p

A Girl’s Heart Desire

*lately i love to read fp Sisters, coz it's easy to read but full of kindness~
A Girl’s Heart Desire

I want to open my hijab,
and show the world,
... that I too,
am beautiful in the people’s definition.

deep down here,
in my little heart,
I know that beauty is by definition,
a mystery.
and it is forever more rewarding,
to be beautiful in God’s eyes.

I want to wear ruffled dresses and tight jeans,
show off what I really look like,
under those baggy shirts and loosely fitted pants,
make a statement,
that I too,
have a figure and worth looking at.

I know better,
to avoid entering the world of men’s imagination,
for I love my future husband,
and I am ashamed,
what should be his, has already been unveiled by others.

I want to show the world,
the other side of me,
the bubblier, bolder, and crazier me.
put myself on display,
for everyone to see,
to be desired, and admired upon.

I know that eyes are not just eyes,
seeing is not just seeing,
image and respect are gained,
shame and humility deserve a better place.

Make Dorayaki (dont make it yet)


Material for dorayaki:
1. 100 grams of wheat flour
2. 2 tablespoons granulated sugar
3. 1 tablespoon of honey
4. 1/2 teaspoon salt
5. 3 btr egg
6. 75 ml of liquid milk
7. 1 teaspoon margarine

Materials for Content:
1. 100 grams of red beans / green beans (optional)
2. 3 tablespoons granulated sugar
3. 150 ml of liquid milk

How to make:
1. Mix the honey, eggs, sugar and salt, beat until thick like dough martabak.
2. Add flour and milk gradually, stirring until smooth.
3. Prepare a cake pan that has been heated and dorayaki been smeared with oil / butter cookie dough dorayaki then input into the mold, if it has been looked golden brown, remove from heat. using a round mold with a diameter of 8cm.
4. Pour a tablespoon of batter into the molds until 3/4 prints. Allow it to surface visible holes, then close the mold and cook. When the bottom is browned. Lift.
5. To make it: boiled red beans until tender, remove from heat, drain, puree. Cook until it thick again, put milk and sugar, and cook until thick, remove from heat.
6. Rub the surface with the contents dorayaki until blended, cover with dorayaki again.

Dorayaki cake ready to be served :) Fill pastry, it also can dressing with cheese, chocolate, etc you want.. :)
hope someday i can make 'doraemon's fav cake'
picture from : and