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Mom and Dad

Family. One of the important part in my life, (maybe also your most important part rite?). I couldnt imagine what if i am not life in this family...? Here is so much fun and care, we have great communication, but sometimes our life sound flat because of the routine.

My mom now 37 years old, we only different 17 years with me. And my dad 40 years only different 19 years. Married on young age? Yes :) and I am totally proud! Why? First, because in their village on their era, the culture was marriage on young age. And, in Islam its allow to marriage on young age, to save from adultery. (And, their marriage inspire me to marriage on young age too and say no to 'make relationship before marriage' -read: pacaran-)
Second, they are not just like my father and mother who take care of us, feeding, make money, teaching, or make rules. But also likes sister and brother also friends, who can make us launging, easy to hang out, teaching but not patronizing, knowing what we really one, and sometimes showing no care if we do mistakes.

Third, they look likes 'educating people' who have academic title. My mom is real mother, full time house wife! Totally care and give full love, -but sometimes she is become angry coz her sons kind of unruly child, sometimes-. And my father, he is a responsibility man! Alhamdulillah, he is success entrepreneur, he give us decent life,  all-sufficiency. Inspiring me to be a full mother but also be a success big boss :) haha~

But, there is no perfect family (or there is always hopes even its looks perfect..? :p #people: never satisfied) My family is not very religious, there are some believe that only follow they culture. But, they not take it seriously. But, my mother is a 'great prayer' she often remember me to pray. And, they support me to use syari clothes and also long hijab. Alhamdulillah.

They support me more than I hope :) Hope I also can support my self to be better, to become rich (this is what they want :) and I also want that ) and caring each other!

There are many habits and our favorite things. We love eating 'Nasi pulen, ikan asin, lalab and sambel', we like 'durian', we love watching~

I love my family, hope we can still in love till come to jannah

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